
發(fā)表: 2010-08-02 23:41:57    瀏覽: 8535 次


Hello Shashi.   My name is Peter Evans and I have come from Australia to assist you to
learn English.   I come from a small city of 40,000 people in the central west of the
state of New South Wales.   Jingzhou is very different from our largest city – Sydney-
even though it has a similar population.   Chinese people drive everywhere and ride
their bicycles over the footpath and everywhere horns go “beep beep”.   Every time I
cross the road I am amazed that there are not dead pedestrians everywhere.   However, I
think that the Chinese drivers are very good at avoiding accidents.   It is incredible
to me to see such young children balancing on the back of their parent’s bike. Perhaps
this is why Chinese gymnasts are so good – they have had a lot of practice balancing
all of their lives!
   When I arrived here I was very impressed with the exterior of the school building.   
It looks just like a castle.   When I went through the gates I was amazed to see a
beautiful garden in front of me.   Australian schools do not have many plants and
usually all that we have are large areas of lawn and some trees so that the students can
sit on the grass in the shade.   It is very beautiful here. The sports field and the
running track are very good and so I like to go running around it in the morning.
   I have found the students to be very friendly and also the teachers.   Slowly they
are teaching me how and where to go shopping and what is good to eat.   I was surprised
how tall many of the students are and in fact they are about the same size as the
students in my town.   Australian boys also like basketball but usually they prefer to
play the many types of football that we have.
   Many people have turned up for English Corner on Tuesday evenings.   I am sorry that
I cannot talk to everyone at once.    Perhaps another Australian teacher will be here at
the end of the month and then he may be able to join me answering your questions.   Some
of the questions that I am asked are simple and some are very deep and complex!   
Although Chinese students work very hard, it is obvious to me that it is worth it
because they are so very knowledgeable.   Goodbye for now.    I’ll see you next Tuesday




